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B I R D I N G   T R I P

With over two hundred bird species seen on Katrinasrust, it's birder's paradise!


The Katrinasrust Country Estate Birding Trip includes two nights on the farm, four guided walks, multiple habitats covered and the possibility of seeing special birds such as the Buff-spotted Flufftail,

White-starred Robin, Narina Trogon, Gurney's Sugarbird and many more.

Drongo vs Egret.JPG

D A Y   O N E

Arrival Day

Arrival between 14:00 and 15:00, where you'll get settled in and meet Graeme who'll be your guide for your stay.

Afternoon walk covering the river, dams and valley.

Evening at leisure in your chosen accommodation.



D A Y   T W O

Full day on the property

Morning walk through the grassland, ending off with a skottle breakfast on top of the mountain.

Afternoon walk along the valley, past the top dam and lower grassland.

Night walk for nocturnal birds such as Owls and Nightjars.

Pin-tailed Whydah 2.JPG
White-star Robin-2.JPG

D A Y   T H R E E

Departure Day

Morning walk along the river, coming back through some grassland and past alien forest.

S P E C I E S ,   H A B I T A T S   A N D   P H O T O G R A P H Y

S P E C I E S 

You can expect to see up to 80 different species in Winter, and up to 100 in Summer.

Special sightings may include the Gurney's Sugarbird, Malachite Sunbird, Southern Bald Ibis, White-starred Robin, Narina Trogon, Barrett's Warbler, Lemon Dove, Black Sparrowhawk, Red-capped Lark, Buff-streaked Chat, Half-collared Kingfisher, Mountain Wagtail, Olive Woodpecker and Red-necked Spurfowl.


H  A B I T A T S   C O V E R E D

Grassland (upper and lower altitude), forest (alien plantation, riparian and indigenous) and garden.


P H O T O G R A P H I C    O P P O R T U N I T Y

You will find excellent opportunity to photograph birds on your trip.


E X P E C T E D   C L I M A T E

Summer is very pleasant in the morning and evenings, you'll only need a light jersey when out walking. There is the possibility of afternoon thunderstorms so a rain jacket is also recommended.

Winter is very cold in the morning and evenings, so you'll need to come prepared with jackets, beanies, gloves etc. for the walks. It does warm up as the morning goes on so we would recommend layering.


R A T E S   A N D   P A C K A G E S

T W O   P E O P L E  

(accommodation in Nightjar or Sugarbird)

Weekend - R10 000

Midweek - R8 000


F O U R  -  S I X   P E O P L E  

(accommodation in The Oaks)

Weekend - R12 500

Midweek - R10 500


F O U R  -  S I X   P E O P L E  

(accommodation in Wisteria Cottage)

Weekend - R14 500

Midweek - R12 500

P A C K A G E S   I N C L U D E

Accommodation on a self-catering basis, all guided walks and the skottle breakfast on Day Two.

Also included is one Katrinasrust Bird Book per couple (additional copies for sale at R500 each)

Please get in touch direct to book a Katrinasrust Birding Trip.


Add a printed check list and custom engraved, handmade pen for R300.

For rates to extend your stay, please visit our rates page.

Rates and packages
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